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Czech Republic: Walking Through the History of Europe

Prague is history turned into a city. The visitant feels in it like if he/she was walking on the pages of an atlas of history, sometimes on the chapter dedicated to the 14th century, others on the one dedicated to the 18th century. Goethe called Prague the “most beautiful jewel of the stone crown in the world.” Almost a thousand years before that, the Hebrew-Jew merchant Ibrahim Ibn Jacob described it as a “city made of stone and limestone.”

Drawn on the center of Bohemia, this “city-museum” had two golden architectonic eras: a gothic period under the government of the emperor Carlos IV and another baroque, during the counterreformation of the Habsburgo. In the 18th century, the Czech culture was oppressed; this was the reason why the main baroque architects of that period were two Germans, Christopher and Kilian Dientzenhofer.

The city has many faces in which both its millenary history and amazing capacity of modernization are perceived. Prague is a city that preserves all its splendor and beauty, in spite of having been one of the last cities to be freed by the allies after World War II. This miracle was possible thanks to the free spirit of the Czech people that have known to maintain its customs and its culture beyond historical avatars. This profound respect for freedom is appreciated in the personality of Czechs and in their way of relating with visitants to their country. Joy and happiness are always present in the different celebrations that happen throughout the year, and their culture is also present as well as their music festivals that range from jazz to classic melodies.

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